Earning a Living

Letters from Nairobi

(The following are letters received from one of our dear new friends in Kenya, Debbie Nabubwaya. She is a daughter in one of the families that hosted the 2006 team doing service work in Kenya. Trained in social work, she is completing a degree in psychology at Daystar University in Nairobi and will continue to offer help that we find invaluable. We love her and are grateful to her and all those in Kenya who shared so generously with us.)

Dear Keen,

Broken sewing machine, chewing gum, & the Patron Saint of Practical Necessity

In July of 2005, a team of 3 friends brought donated sewing machines to our HARAMBEE groups in Kenya.  At Mukuru, we unpacked a machine and plugged it in.  Everyone was excited, as this would expand productivity to include many more items:  uniforms for local school children, Massai dolls, linings or woven purses.

Stories from Africa

Africa Stories:  During our February/March 2011 Africa service trip, we taped several Kenyan family members who have directly benefitted from your donations.  Please go to Facebook (Kathleen Harrison/Project Harambee) to view some of these touching interviews.  Here's a direct link to a video with Everlyne, who lives in Kibera--a slum outside Nairobi.  She is head of Women's Power Group and lovingly responded to an HIV+ baby when the child's birth mother abandon